Yet another copy of the " Athena 'Tennis Girl'" pose used in advertising - this time for Boast USA

The "Athena Tennis Girl" poster defined the seventies. Everyone saw the cheeky shot, as it adorned walls thanks to being picked up by Athena to be used as a calendar poster. While there is some dispute of who the model actually is, and when it was initially taken, the photographer Martin Elliot had always stated the famous image was taken of his then girlfriend Fiona Butler in 1976. Below is a slightly different variant of a shoot, published in 1974.

The now iconic, slightly different image, was first published by Athena for the 1977 Silver Jubilee calendar. The tennis theme was featured because it was the year that Britain’s Virginia Wade won the ladies’ singles title at Wimbledon. The following year Athena began selling the image as a £2 poster, and it became one of the best-selling posters of all time.

Over the years, the iconic image has burned itself into our collective pop culture consciousness and has been spoofed and parodied by everyone from Kylie Minogue, Pat Cash, Danielle Mason, Pascal Craymer, and Alice Barry.

Naturally, such an iconic image had to appear in advertising eventually. And of course, it did. One of the first spoofs was actually selling a tennis game. It was the Davis Cup World Tour video game, in 1993. In this shot, the model holds the game for sale quite stratigically right where your eye is drawn to. That is, next to her bare butt.

In 2009, InterCasino recreated the tennis girl pose but with an older tennis lady. It was to promote a competition to win VIP tickets to the Aegon Masters Tennis Tournament at the Royal Albert Hall, where retired tennis greats would play. At least the recreation had a point - even the tennis girl would have aged by now.

Even artists who like to photograph little Lego's have recreated the "Tennis Girl" shot, but with a lego tennis girl. So in short, this image has been recreated many times, to varying degrees of success.

And now, it is time for another one, as Boast USA - the brand with the funky-looking Japanese maple leaf logo - has recreated the shot in their latest campaign.

It's no surprise that they recreated the shot, as their goal was to relaunch the brand with a glossy new lifestyle campaign and website redesign inspired by society photography from the 70’s, like the Slim Aarons photographs and the globally famous "Tennis Girl" shot that was on every dorm room wall back in the late 70s. This relaunch was done by Rocket Dog Creative Studios.

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