A Special Year in Review Show from Advertising and TV Experts, Scott Donaton and Alex Ben Block!
Hear Scott Donaton, editor of Advertising Age Magazine, explain how there’s been a death in mass marketing and how product placement has been an important marketing component this year. Scott oversees the editorial strategy and operations of the weekly publication, Advertising Age, and AdAge.com. He also founded and manages the editorial direction of Advertising Age’s Madison & Vine initiative as well as writing the book, “Madison & Vine,” which discusses changes in the traditional business model where the consumer has the power over the product.
It's the year of ABC and the “Desperate Housewife”. Hear Alex Ben Block, editor of Television Week Magazine, talk shop on the return of ABC and whether or not reality TV lived up to its promise. In addition to being an editor, Alex has extensive experience on both radio and TV as a commentator and panelist. He is also the author of the critically acclaimed book, "OUTFOXED: The Inside Story of America's Fourth Television Network," and the global bestseller, "The Legend Of Bruce Lee."
You can tune in Saturday 8-10 p.m. CET (2-4 p.m. EST) to theadvertisingshow.com for the live webcast. Or check out the commercial free archives.