WWF: All for Bear

BBDO Moscow has created All For Bear, to help save polar bears.
As you know, ice in the arctic is shrinking. Between that and pollution and poaching, it is thought the polar bear population may halve itself by 2050. Thankfully you can do something about it. Sign up through social media, click on the blue sea, donate some real money and "save a bear."

Donations support coastal monitoring, anti-poaching activities, environmental projects in the Arctic region and increase the survival chances of polar bears.

Head on over to All For Bear for some feel good low-engagement clicking!


WWF Russia

Victor Nikiforov Head of programms

Alexander Evgrafov Head of online

Maria Vinokurova Media officer

Anastasia Lykina Social advertising and video officer

BBDO Moscow

creative director Megvelidze Nikolay

copywriter Shinyaev Evgeny

art-director Tkachenko Michael

client service director Gyvakova Ekaterina

group account director Obukhova Vladlena

senior account manager Urnova Maria

senior account manager Chistova Ekaterina

Developers - 2Nova Interactive:

Digital producer: Elena Pygovkina

Account manager: Yuliya Trifonova

Art-director: Oleg Medvedev

Illustrator: Oleg Vorontsov

Developers: Ivan Nikitin, Nikita Zulyaev, Sergey Moiseev, Alexey Romanenko, Yuliya Shapovalova

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