Wrangler - Bluebell Jeans site keeps you scrolling forever

kokokaka Blue Bell Wrangler

Bluebell jeans site by kokokaka in Gothenburgh might initially get you pulling at the zipper in the hopes of getting the model undressed (ahem, that might have been just me), but once you get going you'll never want to stop scrolling. It's hypnotic!

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Robbotman's picture

Holy shit, that's fantastic. LOVE IT!

Dabitch's picture

yes it's awesome, but I have to stop playing with it as I have WORK to do! :))

caffeinegoddess's picture

That's great!

Eddy T's picture

What a pain in the a*se when you just wanna look at the clothes. Great that they aren'y made in China though!!!