World of Tanks "The car park" (2018) :30 (France)

The best world for tanks is World of Tanks. Nice touch with the gate. I was wondering where they were going with it. Very funny.

Brand: Wargaming

Game: World of Tanks
Agency: Romance
Creative Director: Alexander Hervé
Copywriter: Victor Chevalier
Art Director: Sébastien Mertens
TV Producers: Sophie Megrous & Valérie Raguenel
Agency Team: Christophe Lichtenstein, Romain Roux, Stéphanie Leray and Niclas Andrieux
Client Team: Mathieu Brossette, Maximilien Chaix, Raphael Labouré
Production House: Wanda
Director: Côme Ferré
Sound Production: THE

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