Wolverine 3D releases teaser trailer on Vine

Oh hello new media being used in unexpected ways, Wolverine 3D starring Hugh Jackman just released their teaser trailer on Vine. Mangold tweeted it out too, calling it a (- *inhale* -) "tweaser". A twitter teaser. Maybe tomorrow when they release the full trailer he'll call it a twailer. Or maybe he'll realize that he sounds like Elmer Fudd and will just stop it.

Suddenly twitter is ready for their close-up, their in-twitter-media channels are coming together and now using twitters Vine response to Facebooks Instagram-nabbing, they've opened up for a new type of ad-media. One that facebook doesn't have. If Twitter wises up and makes the Vine app available to Android soon, perhaps it won't die a slow iphone hipster death either, as people are growing increasingly bored with watching peoples 6 seconds clips of breakfasts and sunsets. There's not enough time in our lives to look at all that. Unless we're talking about 6-seconds Vines featuring Hugh Jackman in the rain, Hugh Jackman without a shirt, Hugh Jackman ripping enemies apart, because there's plenty of time for that. I need more than six seconds here, Vine, get on it.
Watch the Wolverine 3D trailer on Vine here

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