Is wishing girls were more like pot noodles sexist?

Last week, Mother London broke a new spot for Pot Noodle meant to be a spoof of the power ballads of the 1980s. In it, a bloke sings, wishing girls could be more like Pot Noodles. By Friday, there were 10 complaints sent to the Advertising Standards Authority, which included the claim that the ad is "offensive and demeaning to women, is misogynistic and portrays women as sexual objects", according to the Media Guardian.

This campaign follows Mother's first ads for the brand--the Welsh Miner campaign of 2006--which also brought about concerns of racism. The new ad is a continuation of Mother's aim to reposition the brand away from previous "Slag of all snacks" and "Pot Noodle horn" advertising campaigns.

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purplesimon's picture

I give this a 5 out of 5 for the rolled up jacket sleeves alone.

Dabitch's picture

That and the lone dancing in spotlights. Such a nice touch.