William Shatners version of "the rant"

William Shatner has a sense of humor. True. In this soundclip from 2k (yes it's old) he does a Shatner-version of "the rant".

Based on the then viral commercial Molson - Joe Canadian - 0:60 (2000) Canada

and it's later exotic Oz version Fosters - I Believe - 0:60 (2000) Australia

which was badlanded here "Canadian and Australian beer infused rants!" back in 2k.

Oh, and back in the 80's, Shatner was the spokesperson for the vic20. Naturally. Atari had Alan Alda.

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Robblink's picture

The Quebec radio station Edge 102 version is pretty funny, too!


Dabitch's picture

Here, lemme embed that for you.....