who killed the idea?

Herman Vaske's film for BMW is now running at whokilledtheidea.bmw.com.

Note: If you live in North America you shouldn't view the film, apparently. (in fact, you can't so don't bother trying)

Try and spot all the Paul Arden-style visuals and Dave Trott jokes. ;)

For people outside of North America, watch part one below:

A private investigator in Los Angeles is hired by a mysterious woman to find out "who killed the idea."

In part two, Harvey Keitel, Debi Mazar & Nadja Auermann appear.

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Dabitch's picture


it was the lorries, right?

Andreas-Udd's picture

Nice one!

... then again, with those ladies and latex in the film, I couldn't say anything else.

AnonymousCoward's picture

dammit! as a north american i want to see this!

especially the ladies and latex.

adlib's picture

Me too!

Dabitch, could you do something about this? You seem to be able to do anything (smarm smarm - will this get me anywhere?).

Dabitch's picture

ha! probably not - there's (I guess) some legal reason North Americans can't view. Copyright perhaps, Fallon making the US version maybe?

anonymous's picture

I'm in North America and...and..and....I have to see this film or I"LL DIE.

They even have a link to my Nadja website on the page, AND I CANT SEE THE MOVIE. HOW UPSETTING IS THAT???

Is there anyone in europe who is willing to help me out on this one? Please. :::cries:::

Email me: ReagentMaide@aol.com