When creativity goes rancid.

Found in a Big Lots! (a closeout / overstock / dollar store-ish USA chain usually found on the wrong side of the tracks). Tasted like... well, there's a plethora of very good reasons one shouldn't buy meat products from Big Lots! at amazing closeout prices, but the biggest reason not to is that it will taste like a combination of chewing tobacco, depleted uranium and ass. Anyway, behold one of the most abysmal interplays of logo, design and slogan ever!

I hope hope hope that this stinker was conceived and designed by Denver Dan himself, for the sake of creative world integrity. If not, may God have mercy on us all.

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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caffeinegoddess's picture

hahahah! ouch...

AnonymousCoward's picture

I love Big Lots! It's where bad products and designs go to die. Big Lots goodies found here and here (Rap Snacks!). I go to Big Lots just for fun (okay, and I actually buy stuff there--because it's never the same store twice, you know).

Robblink's picture

I love the "see and say" graphics. "Always on hand" is really shown that way!