What everyone wants: Head. Lots of head.

Bizbash reports that to promote the new Eddie Murphie movie "Meet Dave" 20th Century Fox took a 15-foot-tall foam head on a cross-country tour in the US.

"The sell [for the movie] has always been Eddie Murphy in Eddie Murphy. Eddie as the vessel and Eddie as the captain of the vessel," said Iannelli. This concept was key as the movie centers on Dave Ming Chang—a human-shaped ship—that is controlled by a miniature crew of aliens.

This explains this photograph, where people can walk into Eddie Murphy's giant head (how Malkovich) and hang out in his ears. Ew, gross. But if you ever wanted to get inside the head of a celeb, I guess this is your chance America.
Via BizBash NYC

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purplesimon's picture

Someone is surely going to make a comment about Eddie's head being empty. Not me though.

I also wonder if 'scary' spice went along?

lobstar's picture

Now just imagine the horror of seeing this on the highway without knowing what it was!

purplesimon's picture

I'm gonna have nightmares now!

Dabitch's picture

aaarrrghhh! Oh that is scary. :))