We've found the little old lady from Hastings

You know them little old ladies from Hastings that complain about any ad? We think we have found proof they exist within the hallways of agencies as well! In Canada - it's Geoffrey Roche!

"Rogers Publishing Ltd. has fired the publisher of Marketing Magazine, just a few days after the trade publication ran a sexually suggestive ad touting its annual industry awards show" hollers headlines in Canadas tradepress. Geoffrey Roche calls the ad "highly irresponsible".

The ad was created by taxi in Toronto - and their creative Director Paul Lavoie is also chairman of this years awards show the ad is advertising... The ad features an image of a woman lying in bed, bored , with the shape of a mans head discreetly siloutted by the sheet between her legs. (One can only guess whats going on. ;-)) The sideline (headline small) reads: "Merit". The tagline; "Really tough judging. The 2002 Marketing Awards."

The ad ran on Monday and Rogers posted an apology in the magazine's daily e-mail briefing on Tuesday, describing the ad as "offensive and an embarrassment to Rogers Publishing and Marketing Magazine." the same email stated that Mr Gardner has been relieved of his duties.
Cam Gardner was dismissed on Monday after seven years as executive publisher Marketing .

"Paul Lavoie should step down." figures Geoffrey Roche from Roche Macaulay & Partners "I think it was completely inappropriate, sophomoric, [and] wrong for a business publication to even consider doing."

We still want to know what Paul Lavoie thinks about this.

What do you kids reckon?

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