Wells Fargo "When people talk" (2013) :30 (U.S.A.)

The thirty second version of Wells Fargo's new campaign in which it aligns itself with historical events because talking.
Or something.

Agency: DDB California
Client: Wells Fargo
Campaign Title: Iconic Conversations
Executive Creative Director: Will Hammond
Executive Creative Director: Kevin McCarthy
Associate Creative Director: Stewart Wade
Art Director(s): Stewart Wade, Susan Fukuda
Copy writer(s): Sara Shelton, Ron Schlessinger, Jason Carter, John Dolab

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Dave Kowalski's picture

This ad is ridiculous. There is no connection between these monumental historical events and a predatory bank.
completely absurd..You might as well have a clip of the soldiers planting the flag at Iwo Jima and then show a Snickers™ logo and catchphrase "Packed With Peanuts"

kidsleepy's picture

hey David thanks for your comment.

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