This video was produced entirely pro-bono. World renowned animator Candy Guard of Sherbet, UK created the characters based on a story by RP3 Agency. Clean Cuts did original music, featuring players from the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra. The video debuted at the Women's Foundation's annual Leadership Luncheon, before 1,500 of DC's most influential women. There wasn't a dry eye in the house.
Jim Lansbury-Creative Director, copywriter
Elyse Gibson-copywriter
Mike Hrizuk, Luis Erazo-art directors.
Candy Guard-Animator
Sarah Essam, Alisa Liebert-producers
Sherbet-Production Co.
Clean Cuts-Original Music
Cerebral Lounge-Post Production
I've watched this twenty times in a row now, turns out my daughter just loves it and keeps yelling "again! again!". It's a really sweet animation.
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