This is an Internship Like No Other™ After you've been randomly chosen based on a six second assessment there's no guarantee that you'll be hired. But there is a guarantee that while you're working for nothing, we'll wring every last drop out of you.
Funny, that sounds exactly like every internship out there.
As to the person who wondered why the agency doesn't just take the courtesy of looking at someones portfolio- a portfolio they may have spent a year or two creating the answer is two fold: A. If they looked at your portfolio from beginning to end, then they'd be treating you decently.
And B. If they looked through portfolios they'd actually have to do work.
Plus it would show a level of interest in an applicant suggesting the company teats its employees (even interns) like human beings and not a thoroughly dispensable and easily replaceable source of ideas ready to LITERALLY BE BOOTED OFF THE TRAIN AT A MOMENT'S NOTICE.
And we wonder why advertising is losing its best and brightest minds to other pursuits....
Fun stuff. Wish I would have known it was a magazine that had been around since then 90's only to have ended its print run in 2009, and then was resurrected last year. WOuld have loved to have seen it when it was a zine. You know. Before the government infiltrated it. I KEED!
Sorry I didn't know Tosh had fans, except for people who enjoy rape jokes.
If we need to take twelve seconds to google the intention behind this promotion, or if you have to explain it to us in a post, then you have wasted our time by creating a communication piece that does not communicate effectively.
the fact they did this crapola for free isn't helping the cause.
as for their writing skills-- the promo starred three writers. and yet there was no writing. except for a cliché catch phrase at the end. so the person who wrote this article was wondering why a room full of writers wouldn't you know...write something.
do you understand now? if not, i'm sure you can google it.
Fun fact: The average age of a Facebook user is 40. The average age of social media users in general? 37.
Do any of these people seem that age to you? These guys max out at 29.
@anonymouscoward glad to see you had something pertinent to say about the spot itself. Like whether or not you believe that the rampant sexism in advertising is a problem. Or the inaneness of "cooking" salad dressing. How this will affect sales of Kraft Salad dressing. And why Kraft's advertising is so conceptually all over the place astot create confusion in the consumer's mind as to what the brand itself stands for.
As opposed to, you know, calling us haters.
Good show.
Yeah, they can stuff it. The Ghost Beach "Why we did it," letter can be found in our previous article that we've updated at the bottom here. Bottom line is, they tried to gain publicity, they chose the wrong topic, and they worked with an agency pro bono. An agency that came up with a half-baked idea that served no purpose except to infuriate people instead of educate them. Well done, TBWA and American Eagle. The lesson we can all learn from this is, whether it's an mp3 or a billboard in Times Square, you get what you pay for.
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