Unilever Lifebouy - Handle on Hygiene (2015) case film (UAE)

Oh hello, what a clever "I wish I had thought of that" idea! We all know that handles many people touch contain germs, and research has shown that super market trolleys can spread all sorts of ick, from salmonella to e.coli. In the largest super market store in the middle east, Lifebouy installed these clever handle cleaners, and sales of Lifebouy branded bacteria killing soaps rose. Please come install this clever widget on my local bus, I swear I get a cold every time I ride it.

Our team in Dubai developed an innovative device that applies Lifebuoy (Unilever) sanitizer across the handle before use. This has been implemented in Carrefour across the Middle East, increasing Lifebuoy sales by 53%.

Ad agency: Geometry Global
Client: Unilever
Campaign: Handle on Hygiene
Country: United Arab Emirates

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