Two Unsuspecting Guys Take The New Renault Clio For A Test Drive (2013) 2:22 (UK)

"Two Unsuspecting Guys Take The New Renault Clio For A Test Drive" - yep, that's how they named this clip, and while it rests on a similar idea of pranking a test driving person like the ŠKODA test drive did, it's not quite as elaborate. It's not like the Pepsi Test Drive where the car salesman was the supposed victim of the prank either.

Back to Renault, this being a french car it has that certain je n'est c'est quoi, and this in the form of a "va-va-voom" button in the car. When pressed the English streets suddenly turn into Paris around these (seemingly genuinely unsuspecting) drivers, with random baguette salesmen turning up and couples romancing right on the zebra crossing.

Best cameo; the "Nicole? Papa!" ad stars of the 90s show up in the foot traffic.


Then suddenly there's a Moulin Rouge style attack of the dancing ladies, and in a flurry of red bras and tulle skirts the test-driving men can not help but exclaim "crikey" "hullo!".
They'll be dreaming of black lace and naked skin for sure, but will they buy the car with that certain french touch?

I wonder how long it will take before test drives without anything happening will be noteworthy enough to put on youtube. It feels like we're heading in that direction.

Since they schedule test drives in most of Europe, stunts can be tailored for each individual requesting one. Forget viral-ad-pranking two customers, in the era of individualism, we should really make a custom prank for each test driver. I'm just spitballin' here.

"....David Smith, welcome to your test drive. Make a left here, that's right, oh look there's your mother-in-law, she reckons you should buy this car because it's fuel-efficient. And over there is your ex-girlfriend... wait, is that a real gun? Shit shit! Abort test prank, this ex was pissed at this bloke for real! Abort abort!"

On second thought, we could just do a 30 second TV ad like in the olden days.



Client: Renault Clio

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