Trump branded toilet paper to be sold in Mexico

In the city of Guanajuato, Mexico, an attorney named Antonio Battaglia registered the trademark "Trump" in August of 2015. Now he seeks to profit from it, flex his legal muscles or both as he's about to launch Trump branded toilet paper. Yes, toilet paper. He says that the brand will be in stores before the end of the year, and he also promises that 30% of the companies profits will go to groups that "support migrants" according to CNN Mexican affiliate Expansion.

"If it generates good business for me it's secondary, what I want is to leave it useful to support migrants and deportees. At the outset, I hope to allocate 30% of the profit to organizations in Guanajuato." he said.

"I tried to register a brand of clothing or footwear, because my family is dedicated to the production of shoes, and there I thought it was a possibility, but the 'Trump' brand was already registered. Then came the idea of ​​producing a toilet paper, a product that was ironic and that remained in the market for a good time, "he explained.

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kidsleepy's picture

Group that "support migrants," huh? I guess he doesn't know the names of any off the top of his head?