That travelocity gnome sure gets around.....

The SUN has a video of the side-stepping gnome that's reportedly scaring the bejesus out of the residents in General Guemes in Argentina.

The midget - which wears a pointy hat and has a distinctive sideways walk - was caught on video last week by a terrified group of youngsters.

How cynical am I who first thought "It's a viral for something, fer sure". Should I seek help?
Via Metafilter

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Neo's picture

They zoom in before screaming. I declare fake.

alex's picture

You mean there's a question about whether it's real or not? As in *real gnome*?

Neaner's picture

The SUN obviously think it's something real. But they open with "midget" so they pretty much give it away right there. A handicapped midget takes nightly walks, scares the hell out of stoned slacker kids. News at eleven.

Allan1's picture

This has shown up on - as Undetermined (although they think it has the hallmarks of a hoax - esp. 'someone just happens to turn on their camera, focuses on something, and zooms in'. Also, no one else in the area seems to have seen anything, no one is afraid to go out at night, etc.