The Transport Accident Commission wants you to meet Graham

The Transport Accident Commission in Victoria, Australia, has collaborated with a leading trauma surgeon, a crash investigation expert and world-renowned Melbourne artist Patricia Piccinini to produce Graham.
Who are what is Graham you ask? He is the perfectly evolved specimen of human. That is perfectly evolved to withstand car crashes.

This intriguing campaign, housed at the site as well as in real life, is designed certainly to stop us in our tracks, but also to educate us about road safety in the most granular (Grahamular?) way possible. By designing each part of Graham's body to withstand a car crash, the campaign those parts with us. Our ribs, our knees, our brain, etc. And keep in mind, this man is built to withstand low-speed crashes as well as high, which means even at a low speed, the body can potentially take a lot of damage.

Graham is so freaky it looks like a person used a photo filter on the poor bastard. But nope, he's a real thing, designed by Artist Patricia Piccinini. Graham can be visited at the State Library of Victoria until August 8, before going on a roadshow of regional centers.

For those who are lucky enough to live down under, Graham also incorporates Australia’s debut of Google Tango. Those who visit Graham can use Tango to see beneath his skin to understand how his design would cushion him from serious injury. But even if you can't get there, you can still get a sense of it on the immersive website.

It's a very simple insight with some amazingly eye catching and informative results: Humans haven't evolved as fast as cars. That's why we need to protect ourselves. I get it, I love it.

Client: Transport Accident Commission (TAC)
Creative Agency: Clemenger BBDO Melbourne
Experiential Augmented Reality: Airbag Productions

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He's like a squished elephant man...