In order to launch the TV series Prison Break on the Portuguese FOX Channel, a multi-phased advertising campaign was performed in Lisbon by Torke Stunt:
1) Street Campaign-Prisoners: A team of 7 people (5 prisoners and 2 policemen) walked throughout the city of Lisbon distributing flyers containing info about the series.
2) Press-Kit: A book containing a hidden spoon and a prison blueprint was sent to the press relating to a prison escapade, the series main theme. Inside the book a CD was included containing info about the series.
3) Street Campaign-Stoppers: Several stoppers were placed indoors, such as TV CABO shops and in urban furniture.
4) Street Campaign-Posters: Several posters were strategically in various city areas.
Brand/product advertised: FOX Channel
Advert title: Prison Break
Agency name: Torke Stunt
Agency website address:
Creative Director: André Rabanea
Art director: João Pereira
Copywriter: Gustavo Blanco
Seems there's a general rule that Prison Break must have crazy alternative media ads. In Sweden they wasted time with hanging paper planes all over threes (in dark November) which if you ripped a plane down was an ad for the show. Two days after the trees were dressed up all planes were just litter on the ground. Rubbish. I have some terrible shots of it somewhere, but you don't need to see them. It was just bad.
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