Tommy Hilfiger/ Tommy Jeans - Christina Milian (2004) 0:30 (USA)


Hosting a rather different show where the whole audience dances. 

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture


Anonymous Adgrunt's picture

Anyone here from this might get weird?

Anonymous Adgrunt's picture

1000% listening right now

Anonymous Adgrunt's picture

yup =D

Anonymous Adgrunt's picture

OH MY GOD, it's Grace Helbig! Yaaaaaaaaass

Joan McBitch's picture

I think the only people looking for this ad are the people in that crowd dancing & TMGW listeners.

Anonymous Adgrunt's picture

Here from TMGW :)

Anonymous Adgrunt's picture

Grace!!! Here because of TMGW!

Anonymous Adgrunt's picture


Dabitch's picture

This comment thread is hilarious. Thanks TMGW.