Thrive wants you to know you can still get your weed delivered

THRIVE Cannabis Marketplace, is the largest independently owned cannabis retailer in Nevada. They enacted a delivery-only business model to comply with new COVID-19 public health mandates.

Working with creative agency Artisans On Fire they created an ad campaign that acknowledges the very real fears out there that are arising during this pandemic. Everything from not being able to see your friends and family to losing your job is covered off on, with the reassurance at the end that you can still get your favourite drug delivered.  

Artisans On Fire produced the video remotely within 48 hours using pre-existing footage and a remote voiceover. Isn't that basically true of every ad being produced during this time?

How It Was Shot
Artisans On Fire produced the video remotely within 48 hours using pre-existing footage and new voiceover recordings captured in compliance with government-mandated social distancing practices. Shot using sanitized, podcast-quality microphones delivered to the homes of the agency’s furloughed and working-from-home staff, the audio features their authentic voices and sentiments. The ad concludes with the messages, “Do you part to keep safe, while we do ours to keep you happy,” and “Stay apart. THRIVE together.”

About Artisans On Fire
Artisans On Fire focuses primarily on “gray-market” businesses not yet legal worldwide, including cannabis, sportsbooks, casinos, online gaming and daily fantasy sports. As a result of the impact of COVID-19 on his clients and income, agency co-founders John Erminio and Dustin Iannotti have laid off 40 percent of their team.

“We’re incredibly proud of this ad, because it demonstrates the passion and dedication of a small agency for its client during a time of crisis,” said Iannotti. “The ad incorporates employees we were forced to lay off, but they volunteered to participate because they believe in the message. We’re all in this together.”

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