TeenVoice encourages people to take a stand against climate change

It is a well-known fact we only have twelve years before the world ends. iso now is the time to raise your voice about it and take action.

The kids are so serious about this problem that on Maech 15th of this year they skipped one day of school  to voice their disatisfaction with the western world for not doing enough to make up for China and Southeast Asia's complete and total disregard for the environment.

Japanese agency DLX inc tapped into this mini revolution by using the words of children from all over the world as a way to prompt people to be proactive. This collection of ads ads ran in  newspapers, magazines, billboards. It led to a website called Teenage Voice. In addition the ads came with codes that you could scan to add your signature  by scanning (or fold the print ad) to a change.org petition that..well, i'm not really sure what the petition does. But if you wish to sign it, you can go here and do so. According to the case study they have collected 30,000 signatures.But the Change.org petition shows less than a thousand, so the other signatures must be going somewhere else. That's the issue with this campaign. It does a nice job of telling me the problem and using the kids as a way to prompt a solution, but the solution isn't very clear.


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