TBWA/Chiat/Day launch 'content arm' dubbed "Let there be dragons"

photo Benny Chan

The LA branch of TBWA, home of Lee Clow and countless surfboards, has launched a "content arm" they dubbed "Let there be dragons". It's headed up by veteran producer, Jennifer Golub. Why dragons?

The name of the entity comes from 16th century cartography. Jennifer explains, "When map-makers had to identify uncharted waters, they labeled them, "There be Dragons." We love the challenge of the uncharted waters of new content and new media. We're saying bring on the dragons. We're ready to slay them."

"Content comes in many forms," said TBWA\Worldwide’s Global Director of Media Arts, Lee Clow. "And Jennifer and her team have the ambition, desire, and talent to create more of it. On behalf of brands. And for the world at large."

Ho-kay, with this great team, including the legend Lee Clow, Carisa Bianchi and Rob Schwartz, who all sit on the board as chairmen of Let There Be Dragons, I'm expecting awesomeness out of this. Lets see what they have right now:

project #1 - Dallas-based copywriter Jason Fox started the twitter account Leeclowsbeard, which has 26,000 followers. Let there be Dragons has turned it into a book also titled leeclowsbeard. The book is based on the tweets that are the nuggets of wisdom that Lee Clow once said. How remixed. You can pre-order leeclowsbeard from Amazon now.

project#2 - a total secret. They're "Consulting with Frank Gehry on a confidential project for the renowned architects." Could be anything.

project#3 - www.nkla.org is an initiative of Best Friends Animal Society and is a LA-city wide program to put a stop to the euthanasia of healthy shelter dogs through awareness of adoption and putting a stop to the over population of animals in the first place, by educating and providing subsidized spay and neuter programs.

So why the bus? Oh, they need an office that can move with them, to the next place of business. It's kinda like the A-team but without the soundtrack. Or people in desperate need of help. Or guns. Okay so it's not like the A-team at all. More like the mission impossible squad. Without the mission. This is not my day for analogies.

Carisa Bianchi, President of TBWA\Chiat\Day Los Angeles, commented, “We have an immensely talented pool of individuals with passion projects that they would love to see brought to life. Let There Be Dragons gives a home to those ideas and the opportunity for us to help them realize those projects.”

Also note that Jeff Allsbrook his firm Standard designed the interior of the bus, and Benny Chan took the pretty pictures of it.

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