Target - "Mrs. Claus Ain't Got Nothing On Me" - (2010) :30 (USA)

Artist owned-and-operated bi-coastal digital studio Brickyard VFX recently completed work on Target’s “All Things Merry” campaign. Central to Brickyard’s work on the campaign was digitally replicating a super mom as she seemingly accomplishes ten things at once to prepare for the holidays in “Mrs. Claus Ain’t Got Nothing On Me.” Lead VFX artist Mandy Sorenson explains: “Our team helped map out this particular spot weeks in advance. We worked with Dayton/Faris to create a pre-visualization of the shot which helped us choreograph the multiple moms and determine the framing and camera movements to best tell the story. On set, the pre-visualization was used as a guideline for setting up the motion control, the moms’ actions and the progression of the room’s décor that was a continual build as the spot played.”

Target “All Things Merry” Campaign
Spot Title: Mrs. Claus Ain't Got Nothing On Me

Visual Effects: Brickyard VFX
Lead VFX Artist: Mandy Sorenson
VFX Artists: Patrick Poulatian, Chris Sonia

Shoot Supervision: Mandy Sorenson
Executive Producer: Jeff Blodgett
VFX Producer/Head of Production: Diana Young

Finishing: A52

Agency: Wieden + Kennedy
Creative Director: Rob Thompson & Don Shelford
Agency Producer: Kevin Diller
Copywriter: Dan Kroeger

Production Company: Bob Industries
Director: Jonathan Dayton / Valerie Faris
Director of Photography: Christophe Lanzenberg
Production Design/Art Direction: Victoria Morris
Executive Producer: T.K. Knowles, Chuck Ryant, John O’Grady
Producer: Bart Lipton

Editor: Tommy Harden

Telecine: Co3
Colorist: Stefan Sonnenfeld

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