

"If you read only six advertising books" - meet the authors of the six best ones.

"It's kind of like ad school, except the professors may or may not be wearing pants."

AD STARS 2021: “We Are Bloated with Data, Starved for Wisdom”

The world is being rewritten in code so all creatives must learn to code, says Joanna Peña-Bickley, head of research and design at Alexa Devices at Am

Truth in Advertising… In A Platform World

At AD STARS 2021, Publicis Groupe Japan’s Sosuke Koyama and Rish Gopal called on the advertising industry to self-regulate against the ethical dangers

Facebook fraud: Nobody likes this many things

Adult Education: Somewhere West of Laramie

My lecture about legendary copywriter Ned Jordan, presented at Adult Education on Tuesday, October 4, at Union Hall in Brooklyn.

Lustgarten Foundation – Randy Pausch (2008):30 (USA)


Paul Arden's lecture at the D&AD

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