Tag Wild Card - Angry Dad - short (2006) :15 (USA)

Advertising Agency: Arnold Worldwide, Boston

Mixer: Rex Recker
Assistant Mixer: Kelly E. Harnett
Production Company: Usher Films
Director: Kinka Usher
DP: Brendan Galvin
Executive Producers: Steve Ross
Creative Director: Pete Favat
Creative Director: John Kearse
Creative Director: Mary Rich
Executive Producer: Bill Near
Copywriter: Marc Einhorn
Producer: Chris Perry
Art Director: Mike Costello
Editorial Company: Bug Edit NY
Editor: Andre Betz
Assistant Editor: Sean Nagin
Assistant Editor: Andre Castiglioni
Postproduction Facility: The Mill NY
Colorist: Fergus
Colorist: Tom
Online Editor: Jeff
Visual Effects: Rhino FX NY
Trivia: Shot in South Africa

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