Swedish Tourist Association "+46 771 793 336" 1:30 (Sweden)

If you haven't yet called Sweden, the most, ahem, open country in the world who prides themselves on *cough* not having censorship of any kind, then maybe this spot will convince you to call. The true test will be if someone records their trolling calls deciding not to ask where's the local pub or the best place to get gravlax, but asks something a lot more meatier. Will we ever hear about it? Go to The Swedish Number to find out. You can also find an app in the iTunes and android stores.

According to the FAQ on the website, here is the answer to the question Are the calls recorded?
Calls via The Swedish Number may be recorded for security reasons. If someone reports a specific call, we can listen to the call and unregister any user who violates Swedish law.

Reading that correctly, it doesn't mean we might record some, we might not, it means we record all calls. Because that's what an open government does. Right?

More on this
Want to know something about Sweden? Call Sweden
Sweden, land of trolls, gets trolled in their new "call Sweden" tourist campaign
Dial-a-Swede tourism campaign trolled
The Sweden number is slowly failing, just like #Call Brussels did
STF - The Swedish Phone number - The Prime Minister answers the call (2016)
Swedish journalists call the Swedish Number: Man on the line says media lies & no freedom of speech

Client: Swedish Tourist Association
Agency: INGO

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This writer from Engaget tried calling 'The Swedish Number' with predictable results.


Dabitch's picture

The Adweek incident was funnier, Tim Nudd called the number and was connected to another reporter. http://www.adweek.com/adfreak/sweden-just-got-its-own-phone-number-heres-what-happened-when-we-called-170659