Swedish Liberal party has a new logo - that looks like a penis.

The Liberal People's Party in Sweden (formerly known as Folkpartiet now known as Liberalerna) have changed their logo. When they're not busy coming up with ideas like Incest and necrophilia 'should be legal', as their youth party suggested, they're busy revamping everything about the party to signal that their politics have changed. Jan Björklund, the party leader, tweeted out the new logo with the comment "It is here now", and was promptly flooded with replies where people mocked the logo.

"The only thing I see is this" tweeted one person, showing Dawn French making the "L" sign on her forehead, while countless others immediately called the logo out as "a dick-pic".

While phallic logos and unfortunate name combinations aren't new here in adland, this is a first logo-penis we've seen representing a political party. The logo was created via a competition, where the best ideas shared the winning sum 25 000 kronor. You can see some of the other suggestions here.

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