Super-Pharm "Live drone beach report" (2016) 1:33 (Israel)

Leading Israeli pharmacy Super Pharm wanted to encourage people to hit the beaches during the safer sun hours. Problem is, Israeli beaches are packed. So to get a great spot, you have to get there early-- often during the worst hours to be exposed to the sun's rays. And that's a problem. Because the rate of skin cancer in Israel is one of the highest in the world. So Super-Pharm decided to create and live-broadcast the first ever beach weather report by way of drone. A real-time aerial view of Israel's beaches aired 30 minutes before the safer sun hours. This way the beach goers could look where there might be a great open spot before getting there. Neat idea.

Client: Super-Pharm
Agency: BBR Saatchi & Saatchi
CE.O: Yossi Lubaton
Chief Creative Officer: Jonathan Lang
Executive Creative Director: Idan levy
Copywriter: Ronni Azulay
Art Director: Yuval Zuckerman
VP Group Account Head: Ben Muskal
Account Supervisor: Noa Sharf
Account Executive: Ronny Chaikin
Chief Strategy Officer: Shai Nissenboim
Strategic Planning Supervisor: Roni Arisson
Creative Coordinator: Eva Hasson
Head Of Production & Content: Dorit Gvili
Producer: Maya Palmon, Eran Harel
Social & Digital Director: Idan Kligerman
Digital Copy: Liron Cohen
Traffic Director: Ronit Doanis
Traffic: Avia Ben Ishay
Photography and Editing: Dan Deutsch
Drone Activation: Roei Galitz, Guy Mador
Live Video Production: Go Live
Live Broadcast Narrator: Ben Ben-Baruch

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Israel are so keen on tech solutions to communication ideas. They must live on facebook.