Stock Photos Suck

Everyone knows it. You can never find the perfect image you need and I don't even want to think about the hours I've spent scouring sites, looking for something, ANYTHING, that could work. But you don't have to do that anymore....

customAdArt is a custom image marketplace that is designed to connect advertisers and photographers for custom imaging needs.

Advertisers post jobs on the site and say how much they will pay for the image. Photographers from around the world then compete to create the image. The advertiser reviews submitted images and may purchase the one that best fits their needs. Upon purchasing the image, the advertiser receives the full commercial rights to that image.

This should prove to be a useful resource for both advertisers and photographers.

A few of the major benefits to advertisers include: the ability to set their own price, owning the image they purchase, and not having to change their campaign or do a full-blown photo shoot because the image does not exist.

Photographers are eager for extra work and advertisers are trying to keep their budgets down. This could be a perfect resource to help everyone win in the process.

-Rob Gregory

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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