Stella Artois & - Buy the lady a drink / Matt Damon - (2016) :90 (USA)

Stella enlisted Matt Damon to be the spokesperson for their "Buy a lady a drink" concept. Having upped the chances of knee-jerk internet reactions by 90% by enlisting a Hollywood actor to use his serious face pitching this, Stella daringly cranked it up a notch with the line and URL "", and for that I give them two gold stars and a padded jockstrap they might need. A shame really, as both distract from the pretty moving sculpture that shows via an animation on the glasses, how clean water helps women in developing countries more than you realize. "A glass of water" Matt says, with serious face "It's one of the simplest things to some of us..." Not all of us, he concludes. Not to people of Flint, Michigan, for example, though they are not helped by

So, how does it work? Simple, you buy a chalice and Stella Artois will help to help those in the developing world without clean water by donating $6.25 from the sale of every limited-edition chalice. You needed a new chalice anyway.

Ad agency: Mother, London
Creative Director : Kit Dayaram
Creatives : Jess Reynolds & Chris Vernon
Agency Producer : Sam Dowling
Production Company : 1stAveMachine
Director : Bob Partington
Director : Tim Brown
Producer : Isabella Parish
Production Manager : Kerry Smart
DOP : Ed Wild
Post Production Producer : Chris Allen
Editor : James Rose
VFX Supervisor : Tony Landais
Art Director : Martin Van Der Meijden
Spanish Service Co. :Palma Pictures
Line Producer : Dani Rotstein
Production Coordinator : Marta Jimenez

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