Starburst Sweet Fiesta - Slow getaway driver (2011) :30 (USA)

They’re solid. Yet juicy. They're a contradiction. What else is a contradiction? A slow getaway driver. Not all contradictions are as good as Starburst. These bank robbers should have chosen a better getaway driver. As the police stroll up to them, the driver alerts the crew: "I can't seem to shake'em" No shit, you inept getaway driver, you couldn't get away from a turtle!


This spot is the latest addition to the Starburst ‘Contradictions’ campaign which launched in 2009.  The ‘Contradictions’ campaign celebrates the unique contradictions found in both the product--solid, yet juicy like a liquid--and its audience, embracing the brand's belief that contradictions are meant to be celebrated rather than resolved.

Ad agency: TBWA\ Worldwide

creative director: Erik Fahrenkopf

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