This spot won't be back. Gaijin a Go Go got served

It's hasta la vista baby for future web viewings of a Japanese DirectTV commercial starring Arnold Schwarzenegger. It's being terminated by lawyers for the action star and the satellite entertainment company.

However since Zero One Design's Gaijin a Go Go site has until until August 10 to cease and desist before facing legal action, you can see the spot by taking action now.

The Gaijin a Go Go site also features Japanese spots starring Leonardo DiCaprio pitching credit cards, Meg Ryan selling beauty cream and Harrison Ford hawking beer. Other celebs on the site include Keanu Reeves (whisky), Demi Moore (an energy supplement) and Sean Connery (Mazda cars).

A-list Hollywood stars like these regularly slum in cheesy Japanese commercials to pick up quick millions for a day's work.

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