Sobe - Thrillicious / Naomi Campbell - (2008) :60 (USA)

Aired in the 2nd quarter

The Arnell Group

Principal talent: Naomi Campbell

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Plywood's picture

Congratulations, Sobe and the Arnell Group: in 60 excruciating seconds, you've managed to assemble Tyra Banks, lizards, and the thriller dance - 3 things society couldn't be more tired of.

James Trickery's picture

That's Naomi, not Tyra. Still adding her was silly as the Lizards carried the spot on their own, as well as animated Lizards could. The joke where one farts was a bit dumb though.

YourAmishDaddy's picture


Hygge's picture

So after drinking this you become a zombie.
(Well, after watching it, I know I did. Boring!)

Imanaddy's picture

Could do with a lot less Naomi. She can't dance.

tod.brody's picture

She's got a great arm though. She can wing a cell phone like no one else!

Tahrialah's picture

These freaked me out a little. They're just kinda gross.