Smirnoff - "SMOOTHEST VODKA I NEVER TASTED!" printad 1954 USA

"SMOOTHEST VODKA I NEVER TASTED!" says Sir Cedric Hardwicke:

You might say that nobody ever tasted Smirnoff!
It has virtually no taste so it never "takes over" in your drinks.

You taste only the other ingredients. Let nobody tell you all vodkas are the same! It takes smooth, flawless Stnirnotf to make the world's driest, subtlest Dry Martini. And no other vodka loses itself so happily so completely, in any fruit juice, mixer or bottled soft drink.

For a better Screwdriver, a bullier Bullshot, a livelier Bloody Mary, always ask at bars for Smirnoff, the vodka you drink at home. Just mention our name!

Smirnofff vodka - the vodka of vodkas

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