SKYNFEEL "an experiment in sports" (2016) 1:32 (The Netherlands)

SKYN is a premium brand of condoms that lets you "feel everything." To prove this sensation was true, Sid Lee Amsterdam teamed up with fashion designer Pauline Van Dongen to create a long jump suit made out of SKYN's revolutionary material. Introducing SKYNFEEL. With the help of a professional Dutch long jumper, they put the material to the test. The material looks pretty bad ass and no doubt it proves how much easier it is to um, move as well as feel everything. Which when you think about it, is pretty brilliant on Sid's part. Because let's face it, the only other way you could put this kind of material to the test is in a way you wouldn't be able to show in a commercial, if you catch my drift. It would be too, wait for it---hard.

I'll show myself out.

Client: SKYN
Agency: Sid Lee

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Dabitch's picture

That was the worst pun ever.