Skittles - Pinata co-worker, chocolate skittles - (2008) :45 (USA)

TBWA\Chiat\Day New York and MJZ
Directed by: Tom Kuntz
Yes, I know that it is spelled "Piñata"

Executive Creative Director- Gerry Graf
Group Creative Director- Ian Reichenthal
Group Creative Director- Scott Vitrone
Art Director- Craig Allen
Copy Writer- Eric Kallman
Senior Producer- Nathy Aviram
Assistant Producer - Laura Rosenshine

Production Company- MJZ
Director-Tom Kuntz
Producer- Scott Kaplan

Mackenzie Cutler Editorial
Editor - Gavin Cutler
Asst. Editor - Erik Laroi

Visual Effects - The Mill / NY
Flame Artist - Angus Kneale
Producer - Jo Arghiris

Telecine - Company 3 NY
Colorist - Tim Masick

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Tahrialah's picture

I actually did go out and buy chocolate skittles...