Shrink, Erase and Shatter the Web

Digital agency Heavenspot ( worked closely with client 20th Century Fox Theatrical to create the Tooth Fairy Website ( The goal was to capture the magic of the highly-anticipated film, starring Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson as Derek Thompson, a disgruntled hockey player turned pro-tooth-fairy with the help of some magic tools.

Visitors to the site can play with the super sleuth magic tools given to the character of Derek in the move to erase, shrink and shatter anything in their path.

Heavenspot engineered the tools to work on any site across the web:
* Derek uses Invisible Spray to sneak around unseen. Spray it on a picture or a log in box and watch them disappear
* Shrinking Paste lets Derek fit under pillows, but you can use it to resize ads or images
* With Hockey Slam you can shatter an entire Web page
* Audiences can also attend Flight School, a casual game that teaches audiences how to use their new wings and become the ultimate tooth fairy

It's not the first time we've seen these types of tools, although it might be the first time they are offered in a "plug-in" fashion to make them more portable.

Agency: Heavenspot

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