goes offline? is closing down? Say it ain't so!
Where will we go for our daily fix of cutting-edge commercials?
Don't tell me we have to buy the magazine and reel/DVD? just sent out an email to all their subscribers stating that: "It is with great regret that I have to tell you that due to circumstances beyond our control the site is likely to come offline in April. shots VHS, DVD and magazine are unaffected by these developments........"

the email continues:

"With over 13,000 registered users and some 300,000-page impressions this month, has been performing a unique and highly valued function within the commercials community, providing news, breaking spots, contact details, and of course the shots video archive.

We hope that the break in the service will be temporary. The shots team is currently assessing the situation and will be in contact by e-mail as soon as we have news on the future of our site.

In the meantime, we would like to hear from you. If you are not yet a registered user of the site, please e-mail us with your address so we can get you on to our mailing list.

Thank you for your fantastic support over the past year. Mike Jones Publishing Director"

Go to and register to get on the snail mail list and keep in touch with Shots if you haven't done so already.

Mike Jones at Shots lets us know that "It's not over until it's over." as page impressions climbed 30 percent this month and banner revenues doubled - he is keen to keep going.

"..And no it's not final. We hope to be back up before the end of the month. Emap (our parent company) restructured its digital operations this week and at this point, we are without funding - so this is a warning not to be surprised if the site comes off air. Even if we come down - we'll be back." he says..

With a vengeance perhaps?

Meanwhile, we have noticed that the clips are not viewable any longer. If you sign up now (and get ten free views) - don't waste them.

Adland® is supported by your donations alone. You can help us out by buying us a Ko-Fi coffee.
Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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