Shiseido "On the Road with Irie and Julien" (2017) 2:00 (Japan)

Shiseido has a new cosmetic line called WASO which is aimed at the youth, don't you know. Their brand film was one hundred percent pure eye candy worth the price of admission. Now they're launching some social films with influencers directed by Julian Klincewicz that feel like home movies. In one, Blogger and stylist Jenny Choi walks around Tokyo. In this one, Julian and his girlfriend Irie Jean, a floral designer, model and photographer from Brooklyn, wander around Paris. It's not exactly riveting stuff but it looks like something I'd project behind me while doing a DJ set, so there's that. I know everyone wants to say they're content creators instead of people who work in advertising but we work in advertising and we sell shit for a living whether you want to hear it or not The brand film was a powerful piece of communication that was artful and on point. All things beautiful come from nature. Apply that to a hipster version of "here's what I did on my vacation," and I don't see the needle even trembling let alone moving.

Client: Shiseido
Agency: W+K Tokyo
Director: Julian Klincewicz

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