Shepherd Neame's controversial ad campaign

Don't mention the spitfire

Here are all the posters from the almost banned ad campaign from Shepherd Neame. This campaign ran in September 1999. The Joystick one seems like the odd one out (above) to me - but maybe that's just me.

morse code
Downed all over Kent
No fokker

Client: Shepherd Neame

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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adlib's picture

This red is meltiiiiiiiiinnnng my screen. Ouch.

baldridge's picture

I love the one with morse code.

Dabitch's picture


Andreas-Udd's picture

This is absolutely right!!!

Gone Fishin's picture

Brilliant ads conceived by someone at the top of their game. Please run a similar campaign for Bishops Finger aka Nuns Delight!