Sharp Aquos - Floating Screens (2007) 0:30 (USA)

Agency: Wieden & Kennedy
Music Company: Black Iris, NY, LA, VA

Client: Sharp Aquos
Spot Title: Floating Screens
Airdate: Novemeber 2007

Agency: Wieden & Kennedy
CD: Todd Waterbury, Kevin Proudfoot
Art Director: Stuart Jennings
Copywriter: Eric Steele
Producer: Jenny Hollowell
Head of Production: Gary Krieg

Prod Co: Paranoid US
Director: Francois Vogel
EP: Phillip Detchmendy Post/Effects: Paranoid US
Lead VFX Artists: Sophie Gateau
Online Lead Artist: Thibault Debaveye, BUF

Editorial: Chrome
Editor: Hal Honigsberg
Producer: Cristina Matracia

Telecine: Company 3
Colorist: Tim Masick

Music Company: Black Iris, NY, LA, VA
Composer(s): Black Iris
EP: Daron Hollowell
Producer: Jonathan Fuller

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