Sealy - Tester - (2012) :30 (USA)

Last December, Arcana Academy opened with the North Carolina-based brand as its founding client and the following brief: launch the Optimum memory foam version of Sealy’s famous Posturepedic mattress, a product designed to compete with specialty mattress maker Tempur-Pedic.

So, the agency conceived several playful TV spots to remind viewers that mattresses are made for more than just sleeping. The tagline: “It’s better on springs. Whatever you do in bed, Sealy supports it.”

Title: Tester
Client: Sealy Inc.
Agency: Arcana Academy
Creative Director/Writer: Shane Hutton
Creative Director/Art Director: Lee Walters
Agency Producer: Timmi Goldstein
 Blind/Greg Gunn
Production Company:
Executive Producer:
 David Kleinman
Post Producer:
 S. Tobin Kirk
 Justine Gerenstein
 Beacon Street Studios

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