Scientology - Life / using real footage from the Asian tsunami

Scientology sells their idea with a commercial celebrating life. And death, in a way as there's a genuine asian tsunami clip in there. It's the one shot by a british family from the balcony of their hotel, and not the one shot by native Thai café owner Arunkul Charoenkul which was broadcast all over the world, without a penny paid to him. Hopefully, the church of scientology both paid for the rights for that British families clip, and donated money to a worthy cause like the Red Cross who helped so many in the aftermath of that disaster. Unlike images of the twin towers coming down, the inclusion of the asian tsunami clip probably won't cause an uproar from offended relatives to the 227,898 people who died in the single worst tsunami in history. Backlash is weird that way.

See also Invitation to freedom and Scientology - you.

Client: Church of Scientology

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andromeda's picture

All stock images and then real tsunami footage? That's in really poor taste.

Dabitch's picture

Hey all, here's a mail from ... Let call him Mr. Missing the point.

Hello. Saw your tweet about Scientologists and tsunami. You should know that more than 500 Scientologists went to Thailand, India, Sri Lanka and Indonesia and spent months on the ground helping people. Scientologists identified the bodies and set up the morgue in Thailand--a grueling task. French Scientologists went to India (the area affected was French-speaking) and have since stayed on like the barefoot doctors of legend, helping people recover from the effects of the disaster and then tutoring, training, whatever it took to get the area back on its feet. Scientologists who volunteered in Indonesia set up local volunteer ministers groups and have returned to help over and over again with typhoons, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, etc. All of this was volunteer work--people just setting their own lives aside, paying for their tickets and flying out to help.