Sci Fi - Orphans - (2008) 2:00 (USA)

Another five star production by Quad, for BETC EURO RSCG 4D. Look at the kyoot widdle alien’s eyes, how can you not wuve the widdle alien? *heart breaks*

Stèphane Xiberras (Creative Director)
Benjamin Le Breton (Art Director)
Arnaud Assouline (Copywriter)
Isabelle Menard (Agency Producer)
Director : Reynald Gresset
Prod. Co. : Quad Productions, Paris
Web Creative Director: Valèrie Lèvy-Harrar
Web Art Director: Benjamin Le Breton, Nicolas Casanova Web Copywriter: Arnaud Assouline, Guillaume Boulay
Client : François Roux - CEO NBC Universal Global Networks EMEA
Valèrie Chebassier -Marketing Director
Maguelone Aribaud -Marketing Manager
Mèlanie David -Sci Fi Brand Manager
Fanta Sarr - Communications Manage
Cècile Gèlineau - Sci Fi Press Relations
Ludivine Lucas - Sci Fi Press Relations
Pamèla Deneuville - Sci Fi Press Relations

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