Schweppes- Analogies- Party + Tennis

Acw Grey Tel Aviv creates these cute illustrated ads for Schwepes, reminding us that it goes great with the booze of your choice.

The only thing I don't get is why the peanut butter has a frown on its face. is it jealous of the carrot and pea? Or is it just wanting to get back to the tennis game?

Hard to say.

Schweppes- Analogies- Party + Tennis
Advertising agency: ACW Grey Tel - Aviv
Executive Creative Director: Tal Riven
Creative director: Ziv Meiri
Client manager: Elad Hermel
Art: Itzik Cohen
Copy: Aviram Levi
Supervisor: Tal Weissbuch
Account manager: Noy Biran
Production Manager: Meital Tzoref
Producer: Racheli Zatlawi
Illustration: Yotam Cohen

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