Schlitz - Surfers (1976) - 0:30 (USA)

There is just one word for beer. Mmm'kay?


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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Zischkale's picture

Man, Schlitz drinkers are active!

Terry Eselun's picture

I starred in this commercial. I would love to have a copy. Thank you.

Dabitch's picture

Hi surfer-Terry. We no longer have the 3/4 inch tape that this commercial was delivered to us on (as you can see it was in poor quality), so we can't make a hard copy for you. Sorry. Looks like it was a fun shoot though, wanna tell us about it? :)

Terry Eselun's picture

Hi Dabitch. Thanks for your response. It is now 2022! I was 27 when we flew to Hawaii to film this. We stayed in Makaha. I remember going into Honolulu to find a bikini that the photogs liked. They made me wear bandaids over my nipples so they wouldn't show when wet. We tried to get the sound in the water, but they finally realized that too much ambient noise to work, so we dubbed the sound around the pool at the hotel by the pool. I would love to be able to upload this to U Tube so I could save it for grand kids. Any help would be so appreciated.

Elizabeth Rowley's picture

Can you send a digital download to Terry so she has it?

Dabitch's picture

Yep, just texted Terry to find out which email.

Amanda my darling <3's picture

I remember this commercial very well. I had a crush on the brunette. She looks exactly like my future wife, but I didn't know it then. We've been married for 42 years now. She's just as beautiful to this day.

Anonymous Adgrunt's picture

Hi. I appeared in this commercial. I'd love to get a copy of this for my kids. Is that possible?
I'd gladly pay for it.
Thank you.
Terry Eselun