Santi - Italian Wine/Bitter Grapes (Print Ad) (2004) (US)

When the creatives are bitter and jaded, it shows in their ads.

This is not Venice.
It's a studio in Queens.
They're not flirting with the charming Italian waiter.
They're models, they laugh at anything.

But the wine is Italian.


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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Dabitch's picture

... would alert the readers to the fact that the wine is dyed water. ;) *hahaha*

deeped's picture

I spot a new trend in advertising: truth-telling :D
I think the copy is splendid :)

caffeinegoddess's picture

Nice copy...I like the honesty approach.

CopyWhore's picture

Rather nice ad.

A bit like Gary Goldsmith's Everlast ad a decade back. "We could pay athletes to wear our clothes. We could also pay them to wear dresses." Well, the line was something like that. But anything that acknowledges the absurdity of paying beautiful people to create aspiration is good in my book...

AnonymousCoward's picture

Models? what sense? Hand?

A shame the budget could not afford sweeter eye candy.

yaksox's picture

Hehe. Very, um, deconstructionist.

AnonymousCoward's picture

love it, would like to see more of this happening. a new wave of advertising that desensitizes consumers to deception might result in some interesting new directions later on. of course, getting established clients to undercut the foundations of their precious brands will be hard. but perhaps a push by younger, more versatile identities will corner them into considering it.

AnonymousCoward's picture

That last comment must have come from an acount person. Jesus, I haven't read so much jargon in a pair of sentences since my last briefing.

kamari's picture

The only redeeming line here is "They're models, they laugh at anything."

AnonymousCoward's picture

Haha, no I'm not. I'm a professional jargonator.

Hilera's picture

me gustó mucho el cierre del copy

Dabitch's picture

Glad you thought so wineblogger (though I'm not sure what that means), thanks for the link.